Saturday, August 9, 2008

Weekly Progress #1

It's only been half a week, but I'm going to summarize anyway.

Challenge to myself for the rest of 2008: no new fabric, regardless of source; no new projects; selected some existing projects to work on; finish re-organizing stash.

So far: no new fabric, regardless of source; all large yardage has been cut into lengths easily folded; worked on Pineapple wall hanging; spent a little time on applique wall hanging.

I spent several hours today at guild sit & sew. There were some charity quilts that needed some work.
No! No! No! I will *not* add another project to my list. And so I was good and left the charity work to other guild members. Yes, I know making/finishing charity quilts would provide great joy to someone in need. But I am feeling overwhelmed with all the projects I have started but have not finished. I will gladly help with charity projects at a future date. Just not now.

I think that I am going to work my personal challenges to 6-month segments - using Road to California (January) and International Quilt Festival - Long Beach (July) as my markers. Assuming that I am successful in a particular 6-month period, I will allow myself some smidgeon of freedom at each of these quilt shows. That's assuming I attend them. If I don't... Well, I'll have to think about what little freedom I'll allow myself.

I'm debating whether to track how much fabric I use up during each challenge period. I'll let you know what I decide.


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