As for this past week's goal, well, yes I managed to fold stash. I folded much more than I had intended. That's what interfered with getting anything done on my other goals. I'm not whining about not working on those other items. I'm glad I accomplished as much as I did with my stash-folding marathon. And... I have not yet strayed from my 6-month challenge that started this blog. Yay, me!
This was the weekend for the San Diego Quilt Show. At the beginning of the month, I asked for this past Friday off, intending to attend the show. But when I woke up on Friday morning, I just was not in the mood. There's still tomorrow, I thought. May be a good thing I did not go as my car battery suddenly died that day. Spent part of Saturday morning at the dealer while they diagnosed the problem, then spent the rest of the morning stranded at home (folding fabric) while waiting for my car to be fixed (they found another problem besides a dead battery). Life happens.
Now, for the good stuff... Photos of my stash:
Here's the "stash room" that hosts most of my stash. Three photos - starting on the left wall immediately as you enter the room there are 4 stacks of plastic drawers that contain PIGS:
The tallest stack of drawers is about 6' tall. Immediately to the right of these drawers is a bookcase of "smaller" pieces - top 2 shelves are 1 yd cuts, next 2 shelves are .5 yd cuts, and the bottom 3 shelves are FQs:
That wall is about as full as it can be without having floor-to-ceiling built-in shelves. On to the closet! (turning right)
The leftmost shelf holds finished quilts. Another 5 finished quilts reside on the closet's built-in shelf (up top). The shelves in the center and to the right are all stash in lengths of 2 - 3 yds. This weekend's marathon resulted in all the fabric on the bottom 2 shelves plus an amount equivalent of the brown, orange, and peach fabrics (center-right). The stack of fabric that still needs to be folded will nicely fit in the gaps in the bottom shelves. (*next* weekend, please) As if that wasn't enough, on to the UFOs...
The first photo is in the living room. The table "closest" to the camera usually stays there when I'm sewing. I put tools, beverage, extra fabric there. The table that usually hosts my sewing machine was moved to the right of the first table so that I have room to work with 2-yd pieces of fabric. Under those tables are more plastic drawers. Two of those stacks house UFOs, one stack houses scraps that I want to cut up, and the last stack houses scrap strips that I will use in some kind of strippy quilt. More drawers of UFOs & PIGS can be seen next to my bookcase of cookbooks (in the dining area), and even more drawers (PIGS) in the linen nook.
Finally, the last set of photos, taken in the master bedroom. Yet another stack of plastic drawers containing more UFOs located under the window, 2 more drawers and a box (UFOs) just in front of the closet, and lastly, more PIGS stored in the bottom of the closet.
Well, folks, that's the tour. I hope you enjoyed it. I'm heading for the living room to try to catch up on last season's TV programs before the new season starts in a few weeks. I'll be working on binding at the same time.
As for goals for the week, I think I'll skip that for now and just work on whatever strikes my fancy (as long as it's part of the 6-month challenge).
WOW--I'm impressed!! Can I come mess-ooops, I mean PLAY in your stash?
at least you have most of your fabric and projects in storage drawers! wonderful job doing so much folding.
Looks great! Good work sticking to your goals. I enjoyed reading your blog, I feel a kinship with you regarding all those UFO's and PIG's! How does this happen?
Wow! Now I know what Heaven looks like!!!
Kathy, I've just caught up on all your posts about your big project.
Congratulations on the progress thus far -- and keep on keepin' on! (I'll be tuning in (vbg).)
I love what you did with storing your stash...I am so envious. I've been working on problem is I don't have a sewing room. My machine is in corner of bedroom. In two linen closets, a dresser, two extremely small bedroom closets, under a bed, oh an attic I have fabric in baskets, plastic Rubbermaid type tubs, plastic shoe boxes, etc. Fabric stored. Most of my thread and machine embroidery thread in the bedroom corner with machine.
Your closets and room are an inspiration...thanks for sharing with us on your blog.
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